November 18,2011

Jan 6, 2012

19 weeks 6 days

I went in to get my level 2 anatomy scan thinking I was going to have a boy. My whole family had been saying that I was carrying one so I had it in my head that it was a boy. Although I already have a little {well not so little 11 year old girl} I wanted to have another one! They are just so fun to dress! Either way I would be thankful to God if it wasn't a girl. A healthy baby is all we wanted. So when the tech said it was a girl, I wanted to jump off the bed and do a little dance..We are truly lucky to be blessed with another healthy baby!

I totally wanted to dance like this guy when I heard the news!! lol

My 19 week belly picture taken earlier in the week before finding out the BIG news. I'm so excited to finally have a baby bump! It's been over a decade and I totally feel like a first time mommy again lol

I got the chalkboard idea from of course the show Good Luck Charlie lol and here

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