Monday, February 25, 2013
It's crunch time! T-minus 41 days until Sophia's first birthday! I can't believe she's already going to be one. It's bittersweet actually. I wish she could stay little forever. But I'm looking forward to all the growing she's going to do. I can't wait to hear her sing silly songs, go on bike rides with me and her big sister, have lovely picnics under the golden sun, and for her to tell me to kiss her boo boo ;') Oh so bitter sweet.
I've been planning, pinning and making things all for her big day. I finally got her birthday dress in the mail the other day and it's so stinkin cute.
I'll have more details on her birthday within the next few weeks. For now here's an easy tutorial for a felt crown. She's actually going to we using this one for her birthday. I'm just waiting on an order from Etsy until it's completely finished.
Supplies needed
felt (the felt I used was the one that has a paper texture to it)
assorted ribbon
glue gun
template (I used this template here)
STEP 1 trace and cut your pattern
STEP 2 cut and glue the first piece of ribbon
(Sophia's crown will not be going all around her head, so make sure you cut the first piece of ribbon long enough to tie around the whole head.)
STEP 3 cut the other desired ribbon the same width of the crown and glue
(I used 3 different types of ribbon)
and voila

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