bike rides

May 3, 2013

Ever since I got my bike and bought Sophia a seat to ride in the back I've made an effort to take her out and ride every evening. I got my oldest a bike too so she can tag along, but sometimes she's too busy doing teenage things (sigh).Six o'clock is our usual riding time. We live in a small Navy base so they're always hour long rides. The base is located right in the middle of the woods so the scenery is always nice.  We also always, always play the same cd. It's simply amazing and it makes the bike ride even more relaxing then it already is. I first heard  Elle Graham through YouTube. I heard one song and I was instantly hooked and bought her cd named Alba's Lullabies. Her music is just plain beautiful. You'll love it too if you hear it! 

hit play and scroll down so you can hear and see what my bike rides are like. :)

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