strawberry water

Jun 26, 2013

Summer is officially here. That means hot humid days for us. One of the things I really dislike about New Jersey is how humid it gets. So to keep cool I recently made some strawberry water that my mom always used to make and the girls loved it.

what you need:
15 strawberries (washed and leaves cut off)
5 cups of water 
1/2 cup of sugar 

blend the strawberries along with 2 cups of water and the sugar.
then add it to the rest of the iced water and mix. 
simple and delicious.

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  1. That looks yummy! Summer is gone here in the Philippines and it's already rainy season. The crave fruit for the month of June is avocado. We just add condensed milk on sliced avocado, place in the freezer and enjoy a few hrs later or just dip in white sugar.

    1. That sounds good. I usually have it on sandwiches or salads.

  2. Need! Going to make this tomorrow :D


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