life lately

Jul 29, 2013

 Lots of playing outside in the water trying to keep cool. There was a nasty heat wave last week, so happy it's back to "cooler" weather. 

I've also been doing lots of sewing. I made baby Aiden's blanket a few days ago and I absolutely love it. 

And a couple of things for Sophia 

 I'm so in love with this fabric! I want to buy more and make her more things out of it. Isn't super cute! 

And a little glimpse of my sewing/craft room. Had to make use of the walk in closet we have downstairs. So it's my perfect little working area.

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  1. I'm super jealous of your workspace! Everything you made is so cute! ♥

  2. dresses re so cute and she is adorable

  3. Omg! I LOVE the blanket you made for baby Aiden! It's beautiful Sandra! xx


Thank you for your sweet comment!

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