anchors and honey handmade

Aug 28, 2013

Over the last few weeks I've been spending lots of hours sewing little dresses and skirts for Sophie and in the process I've decided to open a little handmade shop to sell some pretty little things.
I made this dress she's wearing from a pillowcase/sheet set I bought some time ago at the thrift store and it turned out so adorable. I recently had a giveaway on my instagram shop (@anchorsandhoneyshop) and soon I'll have one on here too. So keep an eye out for that! ;)
This one is my favorite! I made it for Sophie to wear for her daddys re-enlistment. 

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  1. Oh what a cutie! She has such beautiful curls.
    Love the dresses, too - you're so talented!

    Jess xo

  2. So freaking cute! I can't believe you made all these! So talented!

  3. You are so good! Those dresses are so adorable!


  4. where did you find such sweet shoes for your little one? adorrrre!


Thank you for your sweet comment!

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