a very peachy sunday

Sep 9, 2013

Yesterday was a very peachy day! My friend Amber and her family met me at the local orchard for some family photos.
Her two kiddos are just the cutest together.
Here's a little peek of their session.

 photo signatureforsandra_zpsf139e387.png


  1. These are just beautiful! The first picture is definitely my favorite. And so is the the family shot. I love how she's just chilling reading a book :)

  2. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog! Keep up the great work ♡

    PS: May I invite you to my huge Birthday Giveaway?

    Win 3 amazing prices with a total value of $650 on my blog:


    Only 1 day left to enter!

  3. These look great! I want to figure out a place to get some family portraits done.


  4. You've been nominated :D http://girlmeetscamera.com/2013/09/liebster-award/


Thank you for your sweet comment!

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