Our Christmas photos

Nov 24, 2013

This year I wanted to take our pictures for our Christmas cards. This Fall has been really cold compared to others so I had to take them while it was freezing out, before the temperature dropped and before I pop. We only had one decent picture of all of us together so I had to make it work. 
Freezing temperatures and a grumpy toddler is not a good combo. 
Here are some photos I'm in love with. 

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  1. What beautiful photos! Loving the first one of you all and a perfect one for your christmas cards! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend! Xx

  2. Lovely photos! You guys are such an adorable family! xx
    She Wrote Today

  3. Gah! Soooo cute! Love everything you pulled together for this!

  4. oh.. I just love your photos.. nice to see a face of someone I read.. smile..

  5. Whoa I LOVE the whole setup! Lovely photos :D

  6. ah, your pictures of your family are always so heartwarming! i love the hot drinks here!

    lindsey louise



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