
Feb 28, 2014

Sophia has a ton of toys! And out of all of them she's obsessed with her "horsies" She loves, loves, loves her little people kipklop stable We got it for her as a Christmas gift and she literally plays with it every day all day. I love when her dad gets home and she grabs him by the hand and yells "horsies, horsies" lol and of course with uniform and all daddy plays with her. We love this little girl so much. She already has such an awesome personality and can always make us laugh with her beautiful spirit. 

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She also loves sneaking away with my phone. No matter what I do to try and hide it, she finds it! And this is what she does! lol I had to erase hundreds of little feet pictures, tv pictures, sofa pictures and selfies that this kid loves to take. I find it hilarious that a little two year old knows her way around an iphone hehehe

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