
Jun 13, 2015

Last week my husband FINALLY came back from a 287 day deployment! It feels so good having him back. I hired a photographer to capture this special moment for us and I'm so glad I did. I love the emotions our photographer was able to capture. My oldest won a raffle for first hug a few days before homecoming. Which meant she was the first person to hug daddy. Sophia was clueless but soon figured out that daddy was on the ship. 
I was a little nervous about my husband coming home. I kept hearing so many stories of how weird and awkward homecoming and having your husband back could be. But it went pretty great and things got back to normal in no time. Aiden was a little hesitant at first, so it took him a few hours to warm up to daddy and now he doesn't wanna leave his side lol. Sophia was extremely happy to have him back. I became invisible to her as she wanted nothing to do with me and just be with daddy. Which was expected, she missed him so much. She even asked him if we were a family again, which made me tear up a bit. She's such a daddies girl! 
This deployment was tough, my husband missed a lot of firsts with the kids, especially Aiden. But we're so glad hes finally home safe, were together again and I get to nap! lol 

 photography by Ali Brown Photography

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