Goodbye October

Nov 5, 2015

Wow, this year is FLYING by! November is officially here so we're eating lots of Halloween candy and planning this years Thanksgiving dinner (well at least I am lol) October was such a fun month for us. Almost every week we had something different planned with the kids so it was a busy month for us. This year we did something new, which was trick or treating at our local senior citizen wellness center. Which was a bittersweet experience for me, but the kids really enjoyed it. I mean they got candy, what's not to enjoy? lol My husband and I agreed to do it every year, we love making other people happy so it was no questioning it. This year I made all of the kids costumes except for Sophia's Rapunzel dress which she wanted to be badly and Aiden's Super Man costume. They had a total of 4 different costumes and they looked adorable in everyone of them. I really want us to get dressed up as a family so that will be my goal for next year. Here are some pictures via iphone. I hope everyone enjoyed October as much as we did!

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