Apr 6, 2016

Today my precious girl turns 4 years old. Last week we went on a little adventure and spent the afternoon with my cousin. We drove to what seems like the country part of San Diego. We saw a lot of farm animals along the way and the kids were stoked. Little did they know that we were on our way to visit some horses. I took Sophia some pretty magical photos of her with a "unicorn". She was in heaven. 

Dear Sophia,
Today you are four years old. With each day that comes I learn something new from you. You have changed my life in so many ways. You are my little ray of sunshine and you always know how to brighten my day. I love your laughs and giggles, all the silly things you do. I'm so lucky to call myself your mother. I love how smart and intelligent you are, you surprise me everyday. I love how much you love to learn and how much you love to see others happy. At such a young and tender age you have so much kindness in you. This world is so lucky to have a child like you. I know you will achieve many great things because of the kind of heart you have. You will forever be my baby, I thank God each and every day for blessing me with you. 

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  1. You have amazing daughter, you must be really proud mom. You made stunning photos. :)

  2. Happy Birthday for your daughter! She is really adorable! Great photos, she will thank you when she is older!

  3. Beautiful photos! I LOVE the unicorn ;) What a gorgeous, whimsical memory to look back on!

  4. You are making so many wonderful memories for your lovely daughter that I am sure she will treasure forever! It is wonderful that you are capturing these memories for you both of you in your lovely photographs.

  5. Wow, what a beautiful little girl you have. The years fly by so quickly, enjoy her. It seems like only yesterday that my little girl was four years old and HEY PRESTO! she's now fourteen and taller then me. X

  6. Lots of best wishes to the birthday girl. I love the photos you have posted. She is adorable.

  7. Your pictures are so gorgeous! and that cute little princess is beyond adorable. Happy Birthday princess !!

  8. What a precious little girl and heart melting pictures, this pictures are amazing memories to look back when she is older .

  9. What a beauty! Love your post, from the heart. I have a 3 year old daughter, and understand just how you feel.

  10. What a beautiful little girl! You poured your heart in this post, and it turn the post as lovely post. The photos look magical, and I lovve the thought of putting unicorn on the white horse.

  11. What a sweet little princess! Lovely post, too. Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. Wow, these photos are absolutely adorable, Happy Birthday little princess!

  13. I hope that you have the Greatest Birthday ever party from the moment you open your Eyes in the Morning until they close late at Night. Have a Wonderful day with best Birthday Wishes from your dear one..

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