May 12, 2017

Since Sophia was about 3 years old she wanted to share a room with her little brother Aiden. At the time she was having a very hard time sleeping so we thought it would help her sleep better if they shared a room. We had four bedrooms at that moment so we decided to use her bedroom as a playroom. It all worked out great, the kids had lots of room for play time and Sophias sleeping habits got better. I knew that once we moved and we lost the fourth bedroom that I was going to repaint Sophia's ikea kitchen and have it a little more gender neutral. I decided to go with a tropical theme for their bedroom and I finally got around to repainting her kitchen. I found the perfect wrapping paper from zazzle and decided to go with a light mint color for the base of the kitchen. It turned out exactly how I imagined it would. Now all I have to work on is the rest of them room. If you'd like to see the tutorial for this here is my previous duktig hack. Happy Friday!

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