It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Oct 27, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray! My birthday is only 9 days away! Can I get a woop woop!
 As sad as I am to be turning 21 28 I'm the happiest I've ever been! I'm so thankful to have gotten to live another year. Although my birthday is not until November 6th I wanted to share my birthday wish list with you guys! (maybe my hubby is reading it too, hehe) My daughter and I share the same birthday month so I'm planning on having a very awesome giveaway! 
If you would like to participate in the giveaway shoot me an email and I'll send you the details! 

one.Rhapsody dress from Ruche two.Oxfords three.sketch book four.Canon macro lens five.vintage typewrite.six Target gift card Etsy gift card 



  1. Happy *early* birthday if I do not get a chance to say it later! Ugh, I need a macro lens soooooo bad, it's essential for photography your vintage items :]

    ♥ Emily

  2. happy early birthday!!! ive been wanting oxfords for so long too.

    rachel x

  3. I turn 28 tomorrow. I like everything on your list. I actually got a pair of loafers from my husband as an early gift. Have a great birthday!

    1. What a lucky girl! Hopefully my hubby does the same! ;)

  4. Happy Early Birthday! The vintage typewriter would be awesome and if it were pink, it'd be even MORE awesome! Enjoy your birthday Month and Day!

    1. Thank you! I know it's amazing! I found an exact on on Etsy for $600 :(

  5. Happy birthday!!! I have a vintage blue typewriter! It is a great decoration piece! Got it for dirt cheap too because it doesn't work! I hope your wishes come true & you get one too!! :)

  6. Happy Birthday, and I love everything on your list!! xo Heather

  7. Happy birthday!! I want that typewriter!!


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