Last night

Nov 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8,2012

Last night we had a nor'easter that was bitter sweet.It caused a power outage in our area and it brought a lot of snow which made me wanna play Christmas songs on my iPhone. Thankfully our base was nice enough to put out a generator so our power came back by night time and we were able to sleep warm. I have something really awesome I want to share with you all pretty soon, so stay tuned! Mean while here are a couple of pictures from last night.  



  1. EEEKKK! This makes me want our first snowfall!!!! Pretty!

    Glad you were snug and warm!

  2. OMG I can't believe all the snow! It really is beautiful but I can't imagine living in it!! You're gonna hate me for this but I live in South Florida, so this landscape of snow is foreign to me!! Following you back via GFC. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Following you back! Looks like you definitely need some hot Chocolate with all that snow!

    Lyndsay @ all my love :)

  4. Wow that's amazing! Glad you all have some power to stay warm!

  5. So pretty!! Keep warm and cozy! xo Heather

  6. Those pictures are breathtaking! Good thing you got power, and hope you stay warm!

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

  7. Hey Sandra!! Found your blog via Friday Chaos! I was drawn to that awesome I <3 NY pic! Wow. These pictures are so beautiful. Thinking of all those people who didn't have their heat back since Sandy. Hopefully they still felt some Christmas joy with the snow. I'm from Texas, so snow alllllways brings Christmas joy! Since I've never been around it. It's still very fairy tale, movie for me! Glad you guys got your heat turned on!

  8. WOAH! Thank goodness for that generator!

  9. love these pictures! really beautiful. we too got a decent amount of snow from this same storm. it was a good snow [we made snowmen,] even though it didn't stick around very long.. snow covered trees are my favorite winter thing for sure [:

  10. wow, that is incredible! i know that kind of snow SUCKS if you have to go out in it, but if you have no where to be but home it is so pretty!


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