dream kitchen

Apr 19, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

 Recently my husband and I had serious talk about our future. We're both at an age where it's time to get serious about buying a house and finally settling down. But being in the military makes that almost impossible to do. My husband has decided to make the Navy his career and he has a long 10 years to finally retire. We have one year left in New Jersey and we don't know where our next stop will be until later this year. But we have considered that maybe we'll have to live separate for a while and get things rolling with owning a house. Which means he'll go to his duty station and me and the kids will be living alone for a while. It really sucks that it has to come down to that, but we really don't want to be 40 year old's and barely purchasing our first home. We have definitely decided to make Texas our home. I think it's such a beautiful place and I have heard nothing but great things about it. Expect for the hot summer days, but that's not a biggie for us.
ANYWHO, back to the original topic ;)  
I have been pretty obsessed with the color white lately (for the kitchen at least) 
Here's a little kitchen inspiration that I'm sure my future kitchen will benefit from.

 photo sig--_zpsf80813f4.png

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