weekend life

Apr 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This past Sunday after coming home from the movies with my oldest we started our garden. We planted watermelon,snap peas,celery, red cabbage,broccoli,carrots,basil and lettuce. According to the package they should all be ready by July. I didn't want to plant them straight to the ground because we will be moving in a little over a year, so we used the pallet method. My friend Ashley showed me a picture and I had already seen it before on Pinterest so we went with that method. It was much more simple too! 
We bought a box of veggies from the flea market for $10 and bought organic soil and a few more seeds at Lowe's. In total we spent about $30. Which I don't think was bad at all for your home grown fruits and veggies.
Plus it's a good way to spend time with the girls. So that's a plus. 

(Please excuse my fence. It's been raining and has gotten pretty muddy)
(two years ago when I went to California, I thrifted a pair of flamingos. Last week I went to the dollar store and they sold the exact same ones! so I got ripped off lol)

Last year we somehow forgot a bag of soil in the backyard. This year these little pretty flowers grew from it. They're quiet lovely! 

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