new year resolution

Jan 8, 2015

Okay, I used to LOVE blogging and used to do it almost everyday. But now i'm so busy and lost so many readers that idk if I can make a come back haha. No but in all honestly, i'm going to make the effort to at least blog once a week. Life is still a little crazy with my husband being gone but we're on a pretty good schedule. One big thing he missed during deployment was Aiden's first birthday. Like every parent I wanted to go all out and have a huge birthday party for him. I kept changing the theme and just started going back and fourth with it. If I should do it or not since daddy isn't here. I decided last minute that the kids and I were just going to take a trip to Disneyland instead. Sophia had the time of her life. She still talks about it up to this date lol. Aiden also had a blast and was a good sport, not fussy at all when waiting in long lines. Here are some pictures of our special day.

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