Mar 15, 2016

This past weekend was my nephew's 5th birthday party. In an effort to try and make our family birthday present's more personal I asked my sister what was  something that my nephew really wanted and she said a tent. So off to Pinterest I went and found a pretty easy and inexpensive tutorial. All together this project cost me around $9.xx and change and it turned out pretty awesome.

Find tutorial used here
For the Xs I actually used black washi tape
Paint for the wood I already had 
White sheet was purchased at the thrift store for $2.50 (I'm usually pretty iffy when it comes to buying any sort of bedding from the thrift store but this white sheet was new so I made an exception) 
The garland was made out of left over yarn.

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  1. This is gorgeous! I love the little crosses along the edges, what a lovely finishing touch :)
    I bet your nephew loves it!

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours
    via #ShareItSunday

  2. This is just lovely - your photos are gorgeous too. Love the look of your blog.

  3. this is so gorgeous! such a wonderful idea!! Love your blog! Do check us out as well

  4. This is such a cute idea! It certainly looks a lot easier to put up than an ordinary tent ;)

  5. That's a lovely and super crafty idea! Nice tent. I bet your nephew loved it!

  6. Love the design of your blog! Cute ideas! Greetings!

  7. That is so darling! I love how creative you are on a budget. And it looks easy enough that I think I could make it! Great job!

  8. Wow, what a gorgeous gift! I am sure your nephew will love this. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  9. What a clever and creative gift! I bet that your little nephew will have hours of fun playing in his new tent! Thank your for sharing your wonderful idea! :)

  10. super cute idea , I love it! I'm sure my kids would love one... thanks for sharing your idea : )

  11. That is a very pretty tent, your nephew should love it! He can now play with his friends and pretend he is in the wild wild west :)

  12. Wow that is so cute and would be so much fun for kids! I would even like this for someone with pets :)

  13. Super cute.. Wonderful idea for a gift. Hope your nephew love this :) Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love the black tassels very 70's! I can't believe it is under 15 pounds it is so cool,

  15. This is cute. I'll try to make something like this for my son :)


  16. This is so cute! and the price it cost you to make it is awesome too!

  17. This looks brilliant. I can't believe it ended up costing so little. Just goes to show what a bit of creativity can do.

  18. This is such a cute idea! Hard to believe it cost so little to make!

    Southern Soul

  19. great idea! bookmarking this post for future occasions!


  20. This looks like it would be so much fun for a little one! Great idea.

  21. Great idea! Bookmarking for my daughter!:) We would love to collaborate on a blogger feature with you!

  22. This is a great idea and looks pretty awesome and modern too! I could imagine people actually selling these with a few tweaks and making a bit of money in the process! Great idea x

  23. I love love love this!!! Wish I was as creative as you to make something like this! I always envy your DIY creations on Instagram. Thanks for sharing with #shareitsunday x

  24. That tent is absolutely adorable! Love how you added the balloons to make it extra special for your nephew. When I was little, I would try to make a tent out of whatever was handy. A sheet & sofa fort, and even my gymnastics mat all folded up. Kids have such large imaginations, and I feel like this gift is perfect for any child! Hopefully in the future, I can make something like this for a little one just as you did. Love how inexpensive it was to make, thank you for sharing :) I bet you made his day!

  25. Apart from looking like a great place to have fun, it also looks so aesthetic! Congratulations for creating this! ;-)


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