Mar 23, 2016

These past few days have been non stop shopping. Getting ready for Sophia's 4th birthday has been both exciting and exhausting. On a recent trip to Hobby Lobby on a hunt for party supplies, I browsed the fabric section and fell in love with this bright pattern. I instantly remembered that I had been wanting a new strap for my camera so I purchased half a yard and got to work. My first plan was to sew it but I had run out of thread and being the impatient person that I am I decided to just glue it. 

Supplies needed
-hot glue-scissors 
What to do
Cut your fabric to size of strap (I got mine years ago from eBay for $2, similar here)
Iron all four sides
and just Glue
I used pins to help hold the fabric down

 photo sig_zpsfp42jki7.jpg


  1. This is such a cute, and easy idea. Love it!

  2. This is such a beautiful idea and really adds a personal touch to something quite plain and boring. Thank you for sharing this.

    Ami xxx

  3. I could spend forever in Hobby Lobby - I am thankful you made it out of there alive! ;) Great idea to personalize the camera strap!

    1. Haha, it takes a lot of will power to leave that place with a few things! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I need something like this to add some color to my black camera and it is great that you don't have to sew either!

  5. What a neat idea! My camera is so boring I should definitely try this out :)

  6. That looks very cute, I never thought to personalize the strap of my camera. The original one does gets itchy when wore right on the skin, especially in summer.

  7. Thanks for this great post , how easy we can turn boring old things into something new ! All it needs is an idea ! Looks easy to make , will try soon . How lovely ,it could be done to a belt aswell :) if you have to shorten a skirt or so and could use the 'left over fabric' for this , to match the outfit.

  8. Ah, I have a cannon camera and the strap could do with some new colours.

  9. Such a cute idea !! I will try it this weekend ! <3

  10. Such a cute idea. This is also applicable to other straps :)

  11. This is a cute DIY! Adds that personal touch to your camera! ♥

  12. Can I just say this is like the best DIY/Hack ever! I hate my camera strap and thought Id just buy a new one but this is such a better option! Thanks! x

  13. I love no sew anything! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Love this! I've wanted a cute camera strap, but didn't want to spend the money on one. I'll have to try this!

  15. Hey awesome info. i was just searching for camera equipment online and found your site. it seems quite good. thanks sharing this type of nice info.


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