Mar 28, 2016

"Friends are the flowers in the garden of life"
Living in the city it's kind of hard finding a field of flowers in the spring. This past Friday I was driving home from Ikea when I noticed a field of wildflowers. It was on the side of the street and seemed pretty safe to take Sophia for photos. I told my friend about it and decided to take our daughters out for some pictures. Sophia knows Ariah from Tiny Tots and they have become the best of friends. Although they do have an occasional disagreement and will instantly ask each other if they're still best friends it's the cutest thing. We snapped a few photos of the girls there and then drove to another little field of wildflowers next to a bus stop and a busy road, but we were all safe and the girls had a blast smelling the flowers and playing with each other. I captured some pretty amazing moments of them that I will treasure forever. Being a military wife is sometimes hard to make friends, so I am grateful for being able to become friends with the mommy of one of Sophia's best friends. We love the new friends we have made and can't wait to continue making more memories with them. 

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  1. I loved this! The girls seem so happy and energetic and just lovely. :)

  2. What beautiful photos- she's very photogenic and natural on camera.

  3. The children looks like they were in their own world! Beautiful children, they are and they look so ... happy. I can see why this is a MOMENT captured on photos.

  4. Beautiful images! The yellows are amazing and the children were being children. You captured some sweet imagery.

  5. The pictures are very beautiful, I like a lot of bokeh on the portrait ones. The wild flowers seem to be taller than the girls, I bet they had a lot of fun running around the field.

  6. I love the pictures. Beautifully captured and truly shows the children's own world. They look so happy.

  7. The pictures from the side of the road are GORGEOUS! Its the little things in life that count. If you lived near San Diego I would definitely be asking you to be taking my photos! SO BEAUTIFUL.

  8. Another beautiful post and I totally agree "Friends are the flowers in the garden of life". Great moments and captures!

  9. Thoroughly enjoyed looking at these pictures. Such cute children.

    Fatima |

  10. Beautiful shots to treasure forever! How sweet and happy they are together in their dresses and little wellie boots! I am envious of the littles ability to see the world with innocent eyes!

  11. Oh your pictures are beyond gorgeous! those little angel faces, so cute . I cant stop looking at them and yet feeling a bit envious for being able to take those shoots. Thank you for sharing Sandra

  12. Beautiful photos there. The girls seem to be enjoying every part of it. Beautiful girls.

  13. Beautiful photos there. The girls seem to be enjoying every part of it. Beautiful girls.

  14. What absolutely adorable photos, the girls seem really happy x

  15. I agree, it is very sad to live in the city and not being able to enjoy spring and flowers. These pictures are so lovely :)

  16. OMG these pics are wonderful and this little cutie is just so adorable ! Love it :)

  17. This post is adorable! It's awesome that you thought of such a nice spur of the moment kind of activity! Photos came out stunning!

  18. I really love the pictures. Children look so happy and seemed to enjoy what they are doing. Great pictures

  19. Did you take these photos? What an incredible selection, you need to teach me how to take pictures like that, it is so beautiful x

  20. Ohhh... these girls are so cute :) It is such a wonderful thing if you are also friends with your child's friends... they are additional members of your family :)

  21. Such beautiful photos. I couldn't live in a city after living in the country for so long, I can cope with London for around 3 days before I need the countryside again.

    Ami xxx

  22. This is absolutely adorable. Great photos that really capture their personalities.

  23. I love your photography, girls are really cute and scenery is beautiful :)

  24. Absolutely stunning photos, they look so happy its like a scene from a film!

  25. This photography is absolutely stunning! You've captured these special moments so perfectly!

  26. Oh my!! Gorgeous pictures. Loving those sweet faces and wildflowers!!


  27. These photos are beautiful! So prettly little ones well done!


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